Take your business to the next level with Martech!
We offer marketing technology products around online leadgen, social media sentiment analysis, marketing collateral portal, campaign microsite, technology search and SAP Mailing List.
SAP MAILING LIST With 3,900 contacts of decision makers in SAP customer and partner organizations, SAP Mailing List offers compelling value for SAP and other ERP service providers seeking to generate leads from existing SAP sites for upgrade, support, staff augmentation, replacement and other offerings. More>>>
EMAIL360 Website Leadgen EMAIL360 delivers the most powerful features of a marketing automation software at a fraction of its cost. EMAIL360 tells you your website visitor’s name, location, email address and purchase intent with a simple 1-click action from any page of your website. More>>>
HEATMAP360 Realtime Social Media Sentiment HEATMAP360 is a realtime social intelligence platform that tells you what’s being said right now on social networks about companies, brands and phrases that matter to your business. More>>>
MARCOL360 Marketing Collateral Portal Find all your marketing collateral in one place. 24/7. Quickly hone in on the most relevant and powerful marketing collateral to improve conversion. Channelize feedback about collateral effectiveness to content developers. More>>>
MICROSITE360 Campaign Landing Page MICROSITE360 helps you to create landing pages that amplify the “compelling reason to buy” pitched in your Marketable Item and thereby boost your browser-to-buyer conversion rate. More>>>
TECHSEARCH360 Tech Report Search Engine TechSearch360 is search on steroids for searching tech analyst reports. Marketers and product managers from high-tech and other technology-intensive industries can use TechSearch360 to quickly hone in on the opinions of industry pundits, research analysts and others who matter. More>>>