Target Content By Funnel Stage
Top and Mid-Funnel Content Development
Content Marketing is not marketing of content but marketing of your products and services with content.
We develop content that delivers maximum buck for your marketing buck. The first step in that pursuit is to recognize that all content is not equal. Different stages of the sales funnel have different attributes, drivers, and imperatives. Accordingly, what works at one stage of the funnel does not work at another. Sometimes, you need content that can be an ice breaker to start a conversation. At other times, you need content that can be the final nudge to get a customer to sign on the dotted line.
Put simply, a prospect who has shown prior interest in your product or service will be happy to read your detailed feature list or capability document but a prospect who hasn’t heard of you won’t have the motivation for that.
GTM360 develops the right type of content to help you win at each stage of the sales funnel. See GTM360 Marketing Collateral Library for examples.

Activities in the CONTENT phase include
- Prepare email flyer & microsite
- Spec canned demos or PoCs
- Prepare keyword set and online ad copy
- Prepare Telescript, Voicemail script and Gatekeeper script
- Objections & rebuttals
Once the content is ready, we proceed to the CAMPAIGN phase.